PSC 6750 Photographic Supplies

Federal Category 16.2: Miscellaneous S&E S&E Not Classifed Elsewhere

Sensitized Photographic Paper; Special Purpose Photographic Chemicals; Unprocessed Film; Photoflash Lamps.

X-Ray Film (Medical Class 6525 or Industrial Class 6653); Electrographic (Facsimile) Paper for direct electrostatic printing or copying (FSC 7530).

Possible NAICS Codes
339999 – All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
325992 – Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing
333310 – Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
323111 – Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books)
423410 – Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers