The following Product Service Codes (PSCs) are commonly associated with NAICS 321991, Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing

PSC W023 Lease or Rental of Equipment—Ground Effect Vehicles, Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and Cycles

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PSC 2330 Trailers

Federal Category 7.6: Transportation and Logistics Services Transportation Equipment

Semitrailers; Semitrailer Dollies; Cargo Trailers; Passenger and House Trailers; Special Purpose Trailers, such as Ammunition.

Fire Fighting Trailers; Specially designed trailers for use in and around airfields, hangars, and warehouses.

This class includes only complete trailers, and chassis therefor. Any end items, assemblies, parts, attachments, or accessories, other than complete chassis, for use in or on trailers are classified in classes other than this class. The combined chassis and body of a special purpose trailer, such as a machine shop, mobile laundry, or dental laboratory, is classified in this class. The complete mobile unit, consisting of chassis, body, and additional equipment, as in an equipped trailer-mounted machine shop, is excluded from this class.

Possible NAICS Codes
336212 – Truck Trailer Manufacturing
336214 – Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing
333924 – Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing
336211 – Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
336110 – Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
333120 – Construction Machinery Manufacturing
532120 – Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing
336999 – All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

PSC E1FZ Purchase of Other Residential Buildings


PSC W081 Lease or Rental of Equipment—Containers, Packaging, and Packing Supplies

Federal Category 7.1: Transportation and Logistics Services Package Delivery & Packaging

PSC 3950 Winches, Hoists, Cranes, and Derricks

Federal Category 7.6: Transportation and Logistics Services Transportation Equipment

Windlasses; Capstans; Ore Bridges; Gypsies; Warehouse Cranes; Wharf Cranes, Mobile or Fixed; Overhead Traveling Cranes.

Crane-Shovels (FSC 3810); Barge Mounted Cranes (FSC 1935); Winches for Integral Mounting on Trucks or Tractors (FSC 3830); Locomotive Cranes (FSC 2230).

Possible NAICS Codes
333923 – Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing
333248 – All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
332722 – Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing
333618 – Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
336413 – Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
333120 – Construction Machinery Manufacturing
332510 – Hardware Manufacturing