The following Product Service Codes (PSCs) are commonly associated with NAICS 541714, Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology)

PSC 6640 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies

Federal Category 5.4: Industrial Products & Services Test & Measurement Supplies

Laboratory Glassware; Laboratory Funnels; Laboratory Furnaces; Glass Beads; Laboratory White Sand; Litmus Paper; Paper Filters; Insect Transfixion Pins; Laboratory Glass Wool; Laboratory Furniture, except Dental Laboratory.

Instruments covered by other classes in group 66; Dental Laboratory Equipment; Laboratory Scales and Balances; In Vitro Diagnostic Substances and Reagents.

Possible NAICS Codes
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
339999 – All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
334516 – Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing

PSC 6505 Drugs and Biologicals

Federal Category 10.1: Medical Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products

All drugs, medicinal grade chemicals, and biologicals subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Department of Agriculture (Veterinary Drugs and Biologicals), listed in the Monograph Section of the U.S. Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary or covered by the United States Adopted Names (USAN).

Medicated cosmetics and toiletries classifiable in FSC 6508 and in vitro diagnostic substances and reagents classifiable in FSC 6550.

Possible NAICS Codes
424210 – Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
325411 – Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing
325412 – Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers

PSC AC12 National Defense R&D Services; Department of Defense - Military; Applied Research


PSC 6550 In Vitro Diagnostic Substances, Reagents, Test Kits and Sets

Federal Category 10.2: Medical Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies

In vitro diagnostic aids, such as test tablets, test slides, test strips, test cards, test papers, test solutions, reagents; sets and kits designated for in vitro qualitative and quantitative tests on specimens, such as blood, urine, feces, and the like, for the purposes of aiding in the medical diagnosis of disease, determining body organ dysfunction, or other abnormal conditions.

in vitro diagnostic substances classifiable in FSC 6505.

Possible NAICS Codes
621410 – Family Planning Centers
325413 – In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing
334516 – Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
339113 – Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
456199 – All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
339112 – Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
325414 – Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing
325412 – Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers