The following Product Service Codes (PSCs) are commonly associated with NAICS 456130, Optical Goods Retailers

PSC DA10 IT and Telecom—Business Application/Application Development Software as a Service

Federal Category 1.1: Information Technology and Telecommunications Application

Support services, delivered as a service contract (SaaS or Subscription) involved with the analysis, design, development, code, test and release packaging services associated with application development projects, as well as off-the-shelf Business software.

Software that is licensed for use over a defined period of time. This can also be referred to term, temporary, provisional, or short-term.

End-user productivity software.

Software as a Service, Service Contracts, Subscription based software provisioning, and device rentals are considered services.

Possible NAICS Codes
541519 – Other Computer Related Services
513210 – Software Publishers
541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 – Computer Systems Design Services
334111 – Electronic Computer Manufacturing
518210 – Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services
519290 – Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services

PSC 6650 Optical Instruments, Test Equipment, Components and Accessories

Federal Category 5.4: Industrial Products & Services Test & Measurement Supplies

PSC 6540 Ophthalmic Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies

Federal Category 10.2: Medical Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies

Ophthalmic Lens Cutting and Grinding Machine; Ophthalmic Lenses and Lens Blanks; Spectacle Frames; Ophthalmological and Optometric Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies

Optical Lens Cutting and Grinding Machines: Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope Set; Surgical Instruments and Supplies that can be used by other medical disciplines; i.e., sutures, eye pads, eye shields, eye bath, and the like.

Possible NAICS Codes
339115 – Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing
336611 – Ship Building and Repairing
339112 – Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
339113 – Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
334510 – Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing
333310 – Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers

PSC 7510 Office Supplies

Federal Category 6.1: Office Management Office Management Products

PSC 6640 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies

Federal Category 5.4: Industrial Products & Services Test & Measurement Supplies

Laboratory Glassware; Laboratory Funnels; Laboratory Furnaces; Glass Beads; Laboratory White Sand; Litmus Paper; Paper Filters; Insect Transfixion Pins; Laboratory Glass Wool; Laboratory Furniture, except Dental Laboratory.

Instruments covered by other classes in group 66; Dental Laboratory Equipment; Laboratory Scales and Balances; In Vitro Diagnostic Substances and Reagents.

Possible NAICS Codes
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
339999 – All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
334516 – Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing

PSC 6550 In Vitro Diagnostic Substances, Reagents, Test Kits and Sets

Federal Category 10.2: Medical Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies

In vitro diagnostic aids, such as test tablets, test slides, test strips, test cards, test papers, test solutions, reagents; sets and kits designated for in vitro qualitative and quantitative tests on specimens, such as blood, urine, feces, and the like, for the purposes of aiding in the medical diagnosis of disease, determining body organ dysfunction, or other abnormal conditions.

in vitro diagnostic substances classifiable in FSC 6505.

Possible NAICS Codes
621410 – Family Planning Centers
325413 – In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing
334516 – Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
339113 – Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
456199 – All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
339112 – Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
325414 – Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing
325412 – Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers

PSC 5855 Night Vision Equipment, Emitted and Reflected Radiation

Federal Category 13.4: Electronic & Communication Equipment Night Vision Eq

Sighting and Observation Devices; Target Detectors, Locators, Remote Viewing Systems utilizing heat radiation emitted from object(s), associated Radiation Sources, Image Converters and Image Intensifiers, Optical Cells and other components designed for Night Vision Equipment. Holders and Lens used with Infrared Equipment are also included in this FSC.

Optical sighting devices which incorporate both day and night viewing characteristics within an integral unit for fire control purposes, nonnight vision type items designed for use with guided missiles, communications, or laboratory equipment, and Optical Elements, such, as Lens, Prisms, Windows.

This class includes image forming devices and associated aids, their subassemblies and components, utilizing passive and/or active techniques for detection, observation, and identification of terrain and objects at night, while maintaining concealment afforded by darkness. Includes items having multiapplication for purposes of fire control, and/or night observation, and/or detection. Excluded from this class are items for which more specific classifications are suitable as prescribed by the structure and indexes of the FSC.

Possible NAICS Codes
334511 – Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
333310 – Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
334290 – Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing
336413 – Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
334220 – Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
336419 – Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
332510 – Hardware Manufacturing
811210 – Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance