The following Product Service Codes (PSCs) are commonly associated with NAICS 423940, Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers

PSC 9660 Precious Metals Primary Forms

Top Result Products
Federal Category 5.6: Industrial Products & Services Basic Materials

Bullion; Ingot.

Only bulk material will be identified in this class. Primary Forms are raw unfinished ingots, pigs, that require refinement to be usable and are made of precious metals.

Possible NAICS Codes
331410 – Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining
331491 – Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
332999 – All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
423940 – Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers

PSC 9915 Collectors' and/or Historical Items

Federal Category 16.2: Miscellaneous S&E S&E Not Classifed Elsewhere

PSC R708 Support—Management: Public Relations


PSC 8457 Jewelry


PSC 7510 Office Supplies

Federal Category 6.1: Office Management Office Management Products

PSC 7E21 IT and Telecom—Mobile Device Products (Hardware and Perpetual License Software)

Federal Category 1.5: Information Technology and Telecommunications End User

PSC 6532 Hospital and Surgical Clothing and Related Special Purpose Items

Federal Category 10.2: Medical Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies

Only those clothing items which are required exclusively for use in hospital operations, or in medical or dental facilities, which have no functional counterpart elsewhere in Federal Organizations Participating in the Federal Catalog System.

General purpose items of clothing and fabricated textile material.

Possible NAICS Codes
339113 – Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
423450 – Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
315250 – Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors)
339112 – Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
325411 – Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing
316210 – Footwear Manufacturing
561910 – Packaging and Labeling Services